Thursday, June 24, 2010


I can integrate technology in my classroom in ways I did not know existed. Not only for students but I can manage my digital library in a more organized way now. Instead of searching for tools that I use often these are all now at my disposal with one click.
The ePortfolio project demanded that I search out solutions to problems I was having and it has tought me to give the students tools, not answers. We can learn anything if we know how to search. My website is emerging evidence that I can use it to teach in my content area. Art is the theme that emerged from the creation of my ePortfolio. I discovered that I could fulfill the technology requirements while gearing each assignment toward studio art and art history. This project has made me want to learn more about technology resources and search out more information on the capabilities out there. Perhaps it will be at a slower pace.....

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Vodcast: Connectivism and Open Learning

Collaboration and Self-Teaching were important. I think we struggled through it while we learned the nuances of imovie and importing photos to iphoto. This would be a good experience for students to work together and figure things out on their own. I think students would navigate through the audio and visual splicing a bit quicker than we.

The vodcast also makes me realize the tools students arn't learning in schools. I believe our computer technology classes are still teaching email and Powerpoint primarily. I learned how to help students search for information and discover solutions to their problems without using the instructor as a default. We found it necessary to search out our questions on the web to gain answers from videos or experts like this imovie video:

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Digital Divide Podcast

Our podcast is an attempt to clarify the positions and understandings different generations have about technology. You will hear an introduction to Prenske's ideas about Digital Immigrants and Digital Natives. We start out with a 75 year old grandmother sharing her thoughts about younger people and technology. This grandmother is ignorant about the uses of technology and the great things it can do for students who know how to use it. The grand daughter comes in explaining all the techy things she uses to stay in touch with friends and fellow students. Perhaps proving that the digital age is not so frivolous.
I am a fan of mind mapping because my thoughts tend to be a little scattered and I need to begin a project with organization. I learned, along with my group about using Garageband and editing music and voices. I am attempting to read more about using Google Docs and Reader because there are some areas that I am not able to manage. We posted our documents on Google Docs which made collaborating much easier. Here are some of the links we used to create our podcast:


Valuable Collaboration! And here is our podcast

Monday, June 14, 2010

Richard Braniuk

Ok. I really should have watched this video before I made the post on
Tossing the Textbooks. I realize the capabilities of open sourcing textbooks and know it is a better resource. And, I have not bought a CD since the 90's. We also need to realize that some students are tactile and need to feel and experience the pages of a book. Remember this is coming from someone who is a printmaker and smiles at the feel of a high weight paper (higher the weight the better the quality). Here are some activities for tactile learners.

Tossing the Textbooks

I have one fear about tossing the textbooks. We have all this open source info and great resources at our disposal. Great. Right? How long is it going to be before these sources have a monopoly in education and begin charging small fees at first that become outrageous? Should we spread out our sources to avoid a monopoly situation? Remember when Myxer songs used to be free?

Minds on Fire: Open Education, the Long Tail, and Learning 2.0

After reading this article and opening all the links and watching the video, the concept of a "flat world" makes more sense to me. In a prior class I heard that computers are being made available for 100 dollars to kids in third-world countries and satellite and wireless remotes were being used to connect them. I did not realize how much of a classroom environment children could experience online. I found links that I can use in my own classroom about art history.

I can't help but share this virtual tour with everyone that is a fabulous experience of the

Are schools killing creativity?

I had seen this video when I traveled to New York a couple of years ago for IB Visual Arts training. I was so pleased because I want this to become a conversation in education. Each day of my life I have to try to inspire students to use the right side of their brain as well as the left. It takes me at least twenty minutes of presentation, warm up, and conversation to help them make the switch. They are so afraid of doing something incorrectly that they opt not to do some things. I have many 4.0 gpa students that struggle in my class because there is never one solution to the problem that is correct. I want them to find a solution that no one has thought of before. Here is more on Sir Ken Robinson

Bloom's Digital Taxonomy

In this article I can definitely see how the levels of self-actualization can be parallel or include digital technology. It does seem to be a bit of a stretch in some areas but Bloom's has gone through some changes and tweaks so this diagram will also. And this video illustrates the constraints that hinder the use of technology. I am in a fortunate position being in a two year old school building that has many resources available to students and teachers. We have a problem in that many of the teachers are not equipped with the skills and knowledge to actually use all of our resources. We are slowly getting more training but in the meantime we are not really helping them build up the pyramid of Bloom's Digital Taxonomy.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

My Information Communication Website and Mindmap

Wow. This website is going to be one of the most useful ways of managing my classes. It is one site that contains all of my class info for 2010/2011. Once the students get used to logging on and using its resources I believe they will be able to take critical charge of their art education. I have included student work. links to the moodle sites, contact info, art show info, Academic superbowl website and information about me.

I have become more aware of the importance of a fully functional site. All the links need to work and be user friendly. This is a management issue that I will need to stay on top of. I know we all feel much more satisfied when our higher education includes creating tools that will enhance student learning in the 21st century. I am committed to maintaining the site with updated that will make it interactive and relevant to students and parents. I believe there are some navigational issues that need to be addressed and I will work on that.

Here is my website. Looking forward to gaining more ideas from looking at all of yours!

FAB Northridge High School

Monday, June 7, 2010

Digital Storytelling

I needed to perform a sort of "Inspiration" quest to digital storytelling and I found a video that emphasizes the importance of storytelling. Then I found a video similar to the one we will be making that elevates traditional storytelling to digital. It can be so simple and meaningful to students. I am brought back to the idea of making all work be original to the author. It is difficult to pass work off as your own that isn't. It is easier yet more challenging to be original.

Are we contributers to the digital community or just takers?

Fryer, W. (2003). Copyright 101

I appreciated this article because I see so much misuse of images and information that we all utilize. We know that we have to cite any information we glean from another source in a formal paper. So, how does it become acceptable to take info and images without giving credit to the author or artist. Some of the advice was to use your own photos. I try to do this but there are so many amazing sources it is difficult not to steal from the best of what is out there! If we use our own sources.....we are forced to be more organized, critical, and creative.
If we were to examine multiple profiles on social networking sites we might discover a huge misuse of web sources. For that matter, we discover it in homework and presentations. Do the students cite where they recovered the info or just pass it off as something they discovered? And am I guilty of the same? Yes. BUT I am starting to think differently about the integrity of my teaching


Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Trackstar: Art History Timeline

The topic and target student age group is: Art History.

Grades 11-122)

The state standard(s) this lesson will address are:
RESPONDING TO ART: History and Culture: Recognize significant works of art and the chronological development of art movements and historical periods
Students compare artwork from various time periods and cultures, analyzing influences on style. They place works on a timeline and examine them from an historical perspective.
PROFICIENT: Recognize and compare works of art, identifying them by artist, period, style, and geographic location. ADVANCED: Analyze common characteristics of works of art and artifacts across time and among cultural groups to analyze and identify influences.
PROFICIENT: Identify stylistic characteristics in the works of an artist or movement and describe how style is influenced by the culture and time. ADVANCED: Assign works to time-periods or movements based upon style.
PROFICIENT: Identify art and artifacts from major movements and time-periods and place them on a timeline. ADVANCED: Analyze issues related to chronology and discuss or debate these issues in relation to historical perspective.
My learning objectives are: The students will use Description, Analysis, Interpretation and Judgement of aesthetic qualities of artwork. They will be able to evaluate the influences across culture and understand connections, similarities, and differences between cultures and time periods. They will use a visual arts vocabulary to discuss works of art and place them in a timeline.

I. Website Name: Art History Time Line

B. Annotation

1. Task: Review all linked art movements briefly

2. Purpose: To gain an overview of the timeline of art history

3. Assessment: Complete the Art History SURVEY for this page at

II. Website Name History of Art, Artists & Art Movements

B. Annotation

2. Purpose: View current trends in art movements

3. Assessment: Complete the Art History SURVEY for this pageat

III. Website Name: History of Art

B. Annotation

1. Task: Look through Western art history
and Art history series
2. Purpose: To become familiar with Western and Non-Western art

3. Assessment: Complete the Art History SURVEY for this page at

IV. Website Name: You Tube
B. Annotation

1. Task: View this art history video

2. Purpose: Gain a more interactive view of art history

3. Assessment: Complete the Art History SURVEY for this page at

V. Website Name: History Explorer

B. Annotation

1. Task: Choose a time period which on of your artist lived and explore the events

2. Purpose: To identify how the artist may have been influenced by events

3. Assessment: Write a 3 paragraph theory about how you believe the artist

may have been influenced by these events. Complete a word processed

document that will be uploaded to the class website.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Reality Bytes: Eight Myths About Video Games Debunked

Reality Bytes: Eight Myths About Video Games Debunked

“Engage Me or Enrage Me”

Check out this photo . I have had students say out to me, "I can't find any information on....." And my response is: In this whole wide world on your desk you cannot find any information? The information and tools are there but we need to teach them how to use it. Students need to be engaged with the information and technology and games can serve that purpose. Over-stimulation is a problem also. Students can go into overload mode and actually tune out everything. Do I think video games are the devil? Games become a problem when the user doesn't posess the tools to discern the game from reality. Making connections about the purpose of the game is essential.
I for example love reality TV. Do I believe it is real? No. I watch it for the mind numbing effects. I can tune in and disengage my brain and I still know exactly what is going on. I am just affraid if education becomes too much of a game students will neglect the intended purpose of the use of technology.
Differentiated Instruction and Implications for UDL Implementation By Tracey Hall, Nicole Strangman, and Anne Meyer.

I found it rather ironic that at this website were links to multiple ways to understand this article. The concepts include content, process, and product. It is absurd to think that we wouldn't use differentiated instruction because everyone has a unique experience. We bring our prior knowledge and level of willingness to learn. This varies from student to student and each one needs a way to connect to prior knowledge. Their experiences may vary from tactile to auditory. Differentiated Instruction allows the opportunity for the student to find a way to connect.

Access Through Technology

Access Through Technology
This article had me give mind to issues that I had not considered. One might assume that anyone can use a computer but I had not considered all of the disabilities that can hinder a user. So I felt the need to learn more about it. Technology is a way to even the playing field for those with physical disabilities so I wanted to learn more about what is out there.
Here is the website I found. T

Thursday, May 27, 2010

21st Century Learners

Upon reading all of the articles I realize that past learning has been somewhat stagnant. The world is truly at our fingertips BUT are we becoming satisfied with technology status quo? The term "jack of all trades but master of none" comes to mind. I have worked with a fellow art teacher who is much more technology savvy than I but this teacher did not know how to perform basic physical activities that were crucial in the art studio. So, how technology-focussed do we become that skill and experience in a specific field is not the central focus. How do we become experts at a skill driven task? Practice.... Experience....Comittment.....
Often when I am completing mandatory tasks at the computer I am thinking about how I would like to be creating a piece of jewelry, sculpture or painting.

Monday, May 24, 2010

Connecting Student Learning and Technology

I have already seen the benefits of making the classroom a community through technology. The community can be broadened by connecting more than one class. Through the Moodle website for my classes, student work is posted and other students can view and comment on the work. It is also helpful for students who are unclear about an assignment to view others then take off on their own. Kids feel comfortable and confident having this resource.

Here is the link if you would like to take a look.

e portfolio

This article was meaningful to me in particular because this is the subject of my research proposal for completion of my masters. We will be conducting research in the fall to determine if portfolio assessment can improve student achievement. There are three of us using experimental research in 2-D art classrooms, 3-D art classrooms, and foreign language classrooms. We will be using e-portfolios in one of each of these classes and not utilizing portfolio assessment in the same class of a different block. In portfolio assessed classes the students will use reflection, check points, and peer review to monitor and improve their learning.

The most difficult task in our research will be not to use portfolios in some classes. It seems those students will be short-changed.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Hello World 5-20-2010

Good Day,

The review of Digital Natives, Digital Immigrants by Marc Prensky aids in my understanding of how and why teachers and businesses need to adjust their thinking to the way today's youth receive and process information. It is not really even a choice as it is not a choice as to what race you were born. Digital technology is a tool that our current generation is engaged at the onset of life. Teachers with more experience dismiss some student behavior as inattentive, disrespectful or lazy without considering their experiences. We need to evaluate the most effective ways to get our information to the students in a meaningful and productive plan. We can also learn from them what they need as they share knowledge about technology that is helpful to us. Technology can be implemented in every classroom. (as a side note) If we are able to productively use digital technology and direct students maybe there would be less need to medicate these digital natives.

The Jukes video definitely made me feel more confident about approaching technology in the classroom and with my own children. It was nice to learn that my mental growth concerning technology is not stinted after a certain age. I am able to learn and grow with teenagers. No one ever thought my mother would ever break into digital technology but at age 68 she is texting more than she is talking on the phone. At the age of 93 my grandfather was an avid user of the internet and email. I have more of a positive attitude knowing that I can participate in the technological race without biological obstacles.

The Community of Inquiry model was perhaps the most enlightening of the readings. I already understood some of the differences in the generations but I had not considered the three components of making technology work in the classroom and at home. The student needs to feel comfortable with the technology and the environment needs to be a safe one for a positive social experience. I also realized the facilitator needs to work to ensure the student is working toward bettering social and cognitive skills through reflection and social discourse. A facilitator might assume that youth are aware of how to use technology for education but this is not always the case. This would be like assuming if you put a book in front of them they will know how to use it and learn the content and standards that are valuable to the subject matter. I think we just set them loose with technology sometimes and hope for the best.