Wednesday, June 9, 2010

My Information Communication Website and Mindmap

Wow. This website is going to be one of the most useful ways of managing my classes. It is one site that contains all of my class info for 2010/2011. Once the students get used to logging on and using its resources I believe they will be able to take critical charge of their art education. I have included student work. links to the moodle sites, contact info, art show info, Academic superbowl website and information about me.

I have become more aware of the importance of a fully functional site. All the links need to work and be user friendly. This is a management issue that I will need to stay on top of. I know we all feel much more satisfied when our higher education includes creating tools that will enhance student learning in the 21st century. I am committed to maintaining the site with updated that will make it interactive and relevant to students and parents. I believe there are some navigational issues that need to be addressed and I will work on that.

Here is my website. Looking forward to gaining more ideas from looking at all of yours!

FAB Northridge High School

1 comment:

  1. I thought setting a my classroom website was a very practical tool I can take away from this class. I'm excited to use it in my class.
