Monday, June 7, 2010

Fryer, W. (2003). Copyright 101

I appreciated this article because I see so much misuse of images and information that we all utilize. We know that we have to cite any information we glean from another source in a formal paper. So, how does it become acceptable to take info and images without giving credit to the author or artist. Some of the advice was to use your own photos. I try to do this but there are so many amazing sources it is difficult not to steal from the best of what is out there! If we use our own sources.....we are forced to be more organized, critical, and creative.
If we were to examine multiple profiles on social networking sites we might discover a huge misuse of web sources. For that matter, we discover it in homework and presentations. Do the students cite where they recovered the info or just pass it off as something they discovered? And am I guilty of the same? Yes. BUT I am starting to think differently about the integrity of my teaching


1 comment:

  1. It is important to give credit when credit is due. In some ways it is easier than ever to pass off someone else's work as your own, which only makes it more difficult for educators.
