Tuesday, June 1, 2010

“Engage Me or Enrage Me”

Check out this photo . I have had students say out to me, "I can't find any information on....." And my response is: In this whole wide world on your desk you cannot find any information? The information and tools are there but we need to teach them how to use it. Students need to be engaged with the information and technology and games can serve that purpose. Over-stimulation is a problem also. Students can go into overload mode and actually tune out everything. Do I think video games are the devil? Games become a problem when the user doesn't posess the tools to discern the game from reality. Making connections about the purpose of the game is essential.
I for example love reality TV. Do I believe it is real? No. I watch it for the mind numbing effects. I can tune in and disengage my brain and I still know exactly what is going on. I am just affraid if education becomes too much of a game students will neglect the intended purpose of the use of technology.

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