Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Digital Divide Podcast

Our podcast is an attempt to clarify the positions and understandings different generations have about technology. You will hear an introduction to Prenske's ideas about Digital Immigrants and Digital Natives. We start out with a 75 year old grandmother sharing her thoughts about younger people and technology. This grandmother is ignorant about the uses of technology and the great things it can do for students who know how to use it. The grand daughter comes in explaining all the techy things she uses to stay in touch with friends and fellow students. Perhaps proving that the digital age is not so frivolous.
I am a fan of mind mapping because my thoughts tend to be a little scattered and I need to begin a project with organization. I learned, along with my group about using Garageband and editing music and voices. I am attempting to read more about using Google Docs and Reader because there are some areas that I am not able to manage. We posted our documents on Google Docs which made collaborating much easier. Here are some of the links we used to create our podcast:

1 comment:

  1. That is such a cute idea for a show. I hope I get the chance to hear some of it later.
