Monday, May 24, 2010

e portfolio

This article was meaningful to me in particular because this is the subject of my research proposal for completion of my masters. We will be conducting research in the fall to determine if portfolio assessment can improve student achievement. There are three of us using experimental research in 2-D art classrooms, 3-D art classrooms, and foreign language classrooms. We will be using e-portfolios in one of each of these classes and not utilizing portfolio assessment in the same class of a different block. In portfolio assessed classes the students will use reflection, check points, and peer review to monitor and improve their learning.

The most difficult task in our research will be not to use portfolios in some classes. It seems those students will be short-changed.

1 comment:

  1. I am curious to find out your results regarding this and especially with the world language classrooms...since I'm a French teacher. Do you have any predictions?
