Monday, June 14, 2010

Richard Braniuk

Ok. I really should have watched this video before I made the post on
Tossing the Textbooks. I realize the capabilities of open sourcing textbooks and know it is a better resource. And, I have not bought a CD since the 90's. We also need to realize that some students are tactile and need to feel and experience the pages of a book. Remember this is coming from someone who is a printmaker and smiles at the feel of a high weight paper (higher the weight the better the quality). Here are some activities for tactile learners.


  1. Weird fact: did you know that record sales have increased 50% over the past five years? Some classics never die.

  2. It is almost back to the idea of differentiated instruction--how does each student learn best? Some might completely flop when trying to work with cmputers and the Internet.

  3. I always love reading my books and opening it up for the first time. I love the way they smell. As for the thicker the paper the better, well, too thick makes me think I'm turning too many pages every time ;)

    I do think that those who are tactile learners will need the printed out books to learn best. Maybe mixing and matching with some opensource on the net and some printed in a book. I don't know.
