Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Trackstar: Art History Timeline

The topic and target student age group is: Art History.

Grades 11-122)

The state standard(s) this lesson will address are:
RESPONDING TO ART: History and Culture: Recognize significant works of art and the chronological development of art movements and historical periods
Students compare artwork from various time periods and cultures, analyzing influences on style. They place works on a timeline and examine them from an historical perspective.
PROFICIENT: Recognize and compare works of art, identifying them by artist, period, style, and geographic location. ADVANCED: Analyze common characteristics of works of art and artifacts across time and among cultural groups to analyze and identify influences.
PROFICIENT: Identify stylistic characteristics in the works of an artist or movement and describe how style is influenced by the culture and time. ADVANCED: Assign works to time-periods or movements based upon style.
PROFICIENT: Identify art and artifacts from major movements and time-periods and place them on a timeline. ADVANCED: Analyze issues related to chronology and discuss or debate these issues in relation to historical perspective.
My learning objectives are: The students will use Description, Analysis, Interpretation and Judgement of aesthetic qualities of artwork. They will be able to evaluate the influences across culture and understand connections, similarities, and differences between cultures and time periods. They will use a visual arts vocabulary to discuss works of art and place them in a timeline.

I. Website Name: Art History Time Line

B. Annotation

1. Task: Review all linked art movements briefly

2. Purpose: To gain an overview of the timeline of art history

3. Assessment: Complete the Art History SURVEY for this page at

II. Website Name History of Art, Artists & Art Movements

B. Annotation

2. Purpose: View current trends in art movements

3. Assessment: Complete the Art History SURVEY for this pageat

III. Website Name: History of Art

B. Annotation

1. Task: Look through Western art history
and Art history series
2. Purpose: To become familiar with Western and Non-Western art

3. Assessment: Complete the Art History SURVEY for this page at

IV. Website Name: You Tube
B. Annotation

1. Task: View this art history video

2. Purpose: Gain a more interactive view of art history

3. Assessment: Complete the Art History SURVEY for this page at

V. Website Name: History Explorer

B. Annotation

1. Task: Choose a time period which on of your artist lived and explore the events

2. Purpose: To identify how the artist may have been influenced by events

3. Assessment: Write a 3 paragraph theory about how you believe the artist

may have been influenced by these events. Complete a word processed

document that will be uploaded to the class website.

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